Here are some
more photos provided by different family members (thanks to all of you!).
The pictures appear reduced on your screen so they'll load faster for you
to view. Click on one of them to see a larger and clearer version of
it, then use your browser's Back button to return to this page.
I'm working on getting all the right names in the right order to caption
each picture. For now,
if you have info to add about who, where, or when, please email
me and use
the number under the picture for now so I'll know which one you mean.
If you have more photos, send them my way and I'll be sure they get back
to you!
Update (August 2001): I have some info
on these pictures (see below), but it was given to me with the
understanding that it may not all be accurate, so if you have conflicting
information, don't hesitate to let me know.
Rose, Betty Lee (?), Martha, Helen
(Davenport, IA)
Top: Ed, Helen, Dan
Bottom: Betty Lee (?), Rose, Martha
(Davenport, IA) |
Top: Joe
Middle: Betty Lee 9?), Rose, Martha
Bottom: Ed, Helen, Dan
(c. 1933-34; Davenport, IA)
Nobody I've talked to seems to be sure who's who (or
when) in this photo. Any help is appreciated!
Ed, Rose, Dan - c.1928-29
(Vandeveer Park?, Davenport, IA) |
"The Schuffman Boys" - Manny, "Uncle"
Noah, "Uncle" (nephew) Haskell
c.1929 - before the Stock Market Crash
Honey and Ethel - c. 1932
(Vandeveer Park?, Davenport, IA)
Ed and Dan - c. 1931 |
Dan & Ed - c. 1932
(Vandeveer Park?, Davenport, IA)
1944 - Dan and Ed, at Dan's airfield at Tacloben on Leyte
(Philippines). Ed, visiting from his station aboard ship
Helen Louise Rosensweig Schuffman, c. 1915-1920.
She was from Poland and lived for a time in Russia; "Helen Louise"
is her Anglicized name -- given name unknown.
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Page Last Reviewed or Modified:
February 17, 2003