Equations Game - the Solutions
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1. 26 = Letters of the Alphabet 36. 24 = Blackbirds Baked in a Pie
2. 7 = Wonders of the World 37. 5  =  Fingers on a Hand
3. 1001 = Arabian Nights 38. 12 = Dozen in a Gross
4. 12 = Signs of the Zodiac 39. 8 = Legs on a Spider
5. 54 = Cards in a Deck (with Jokers) 40. 2 = Hands to Handle a Whopper
6. 9 = Planets in the Solar System 41. 12 = People on a Jury
7. 88 = Piano Keys 42. 76 = Trombones (Led the Big Parade)
8. 13 = Stripes on the American Flag 43. 12 = Days of Chrsitmas
9. 32 =  Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes 44. 3  =  Men on a Horse
10. 18 = Holes on a Golf Course 45. 50  =  States in the Union
11. 90 = Degrees in a Right Angle 46. 31 = Flavors of Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
12. 200 = Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly 47. 30 = Days Hath September
13. 8 = Sides on a Stop Sign 48. 20 = Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
14. 4 = Quarts in a Gallon 49. 500 = Miles in the Indianapolis Five Hundred
15. 3 = Blind Mice (See How They Run) 50. 13 = Baker's Dozen
16. 24 = Hours in a Day 51. 9 = Lives of a Cat
17. 1 = Wheel on a Unicycle 52. 5 = Cards in a Draw Poker Hand
18. 9 = Digits in an extended Zip Code 53. 15 = Maximum Speed in a School Zone
19. 57 = Heinz Varieties 54. 15 = Ides of March
20. 11 = Players on a Football Team 55. 9 = Stitch in Time Saves
21. 1000 = Words that a Picture is Worth 56. 2 = Birds in a Bush that One in the Hand is Worth
22. 29 = Days in February in a Leap Year 57. 2 = Ships that Pass in the Night
23. 64 = Squares on a Checkers (or Chess) Board 58. 8 = Notes on a Scale
24. 40 = Days and Nights of the Great Flood 59. 1 = Single Step for Man, Giant Leap for Mankind
25. 15 = Men on a Dead Man's Chest 60. 18 = Wheels on a Tractor Trailer Rig
26. 99 = Bottles of Beer on the Wall 61. 30 = Feet on a Football Field
27. 20 = Cigarettes in a Pack 62. 18 = Legal Voting Age
28. 1 = Partridge in a Pear Tree 63. 6 = Points on a Star of David
29. 16 = Ounces in a Pint (or Pound) 64. 12 = Apostles of Jesus Christ
30. 50 = Ways to Leave Your Lover 65. 3 = Coins in the Fountain
31. 451 = Degrees Fahrenheit at which Paper Burns 66. 3 = Itty Fishies and the Mama Fishy Too
32. 2  =  Sides to Every Question 67. 10 = Amendments in the Bill of Rights
33. 4 = Seasons in a Year 68. 9 = Members of the Supreme Court
34. 3 = Men in a Tub (Rub-a-Dub-Dub) 69. 93 = Millions of Miles to the Sun
35. 9 = Innings in a Baseball Game (without Overtime) 70. 3 = Faces of Eve

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Page Last Reviewed or Modified: February 11, 2003